
This process is becoming increasingly specialized and we have seen a significant upturn in the use of technology over the last decade. GPS systems with pre-loaded application rates and automatic rate adjustment and proof of placement are fast becoming the norm.

We are constantly working very closely with our manufacturers to ensure NC Equipment remains at the ‘front of the pack’ in regards the technology and range of machinery we offer to our farming and contracting clients for spreading fertilizer, seed, effluent or manure.

ATV Spreaders

Vogal fertilizer spreaders are manufactured to last the test of time and provide a lifetime of excellent trouble free service. Available from 120L right through to 750L which lets you hold a 1/2 tonne bag of urea.

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Bulk Spreaders

SAM Fertilizer spreaders are developed from over 70 years experience. The features in today's machines are the benchmark for fertilizer spreading throughout NZ. We carry these machines in stock, so talk to the team at NC Equipment today about your spreading needs!

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Vineyard/Orchard Spreaders

SAM Orchard/Vineyard spreaders are simple and versatile with the same practical design and easy to use operation that all SAM spreaders are known for. They are made to meet the needs of modern orchards, and have a lower profile and narrower width, and provide great versatility aro9und what you are able to spread.

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Muck Spreaders

NC Equipment's range of muck spreaders are very well built with some serious engineering in the design. These muck spreaders are designed for high output users who require consistent accuracy, and there are some impressive features, all of which make the whole process simple for the operator.

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Slurry Spreaders/Tankers

The Abbey Machinery Slurry Tanker range caters for the "Total Cow" by handling the waste product in an economic and environmentally way. It consists of the most extensive range of tanker models and sizes available for today's farm and contracting customer. Each tanker comprises of key specifications that make the Abbey Machinery Tanker the best suited tanker to meet the demanding customer needs.

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